The 20% Club is committed to:

Revolutionizing the recruitment industry by focusing on recruiting neurodivergent candidates for inclusive organisations.

Providing exceptional training for employers, managers and staff, enabling them to attract and retain neurodivergent talent.

With a dedicated, professional team and a neurodiverse friendly selection process, we guarantee to deliver exceptional neurodivergent talent and training solutions for neurodivergent individuals and inclusive organisations.

Neurodiversity - what does it mean?

Neurodiversity is the term that describes the differences in the way people's brains work and the idea that there is no "correct" way for the brain to work. Instead, there is a wide range of ways that people perceive and respond to the world, with varying strengths and weaknesses.

Neurodivergence - What does this include?

The term "neurodivergent" can be used to describe someone who has a neurodivergent diagnosis, for example a person who is autistic, has ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia or Tourettes. It is estimated that up to 20% of the population are neurodivergent, with the other 80% of the population being "neurotypical".

The importance of a neurodivergent workplace

A neuro-inclusive workplace improves innovation and studies show that teams with neurodivergent members may see productivity increase by up to 30%. This is because neuro-inclusive environments encourage attention to detail, creativity and unique problem solving styles.